The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Faith and Society was launched in 2012. The APPG’s aims are to highlight the contribution to society by faith-based organisations, to identify best practice, and to promote understanding of the groups providing innovative solutions around the country.
The group also looks to learn from international best practice, and how other countries harness the innovation and solutions from faith-based organisations and embed them in emerging policies and bills.
At a time when media commentary focuses on secularisation and the alleged decline of faith in Britain, there is a growing movement of faith-based social activism around the country which could be better known and appreciated. It is making itself felt in the UK in a growing range of projects – youth work, employment support, food banks, debt counselling – and overseas with fair trade, banks for the un-bankable and health initiatives on a large scale.
The new All-Party Group wants to hear from innovative faith-based organisations at work in local communities. They often develop solutions to society’s key problems, but can go unrecognised in Whitehall. We want to see that change. And we will look at whether regulatory changes would enable them better to realise and sustain their potential.
Rt Hon Sir Stephen Timms, Chair
We are delighted to be supporting this new all-party group, building on contacts from our work on behalf of Government over the past five years. We hope that though this group, we can raise awareness of the fantastic work of faith based organisations that we at FaithAction witness on a daily basis.
Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction (Secretariat)
FaithAction is a network of faith-based and community organisations serving their communities by delivering public services (such as childcare, health and social care, housing and welfare to work).
FaithAction empowers faith-based and community organisations by offering support and training, disseminating key information and acting as a connector between government and grassroots organisations.
For more information on the group, please contact FaithAction on 0800 804 8829 or at [email protected].