The work of the APPG is currently on hold following the dissolution of Parliament in May 2024.

News from the All-Party Parliamentary Group

Invitation to Compliance, Assessment and Enforcement

Fiona Bruce MP, Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP and the officers of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Religious Education and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society invite you to attend

Compliance, Assessment and Enforcement:
Promoting Positive Outcomes in Religious Education and Relationships and Sex Education
followed by Q&A

Tuesday, July 16th, 5pm • House of Commons

To attend, please RSVP to [email protected]

This joint meeting will address issues in enforcing law and regulation with regards to RE provision and will explore the impact of assessment criteria on the delivery of RE. In addition, we will look at the potential impact of the incoming RSE legislation and guidance.

Panellists include

  • Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards
  • Chris Jones, Head of Corporate Strategy at Ofsted
  • David Burrowes, Executive Director of Strengthening Families Manifesto
  • Matthew Watt, Headteacher, Tyndale Community School (primary)
  • Ron Skelton, Headteacher, Broadway Academy, (secondary)