The work of the APPG is currently on hold following the dissolution of Parliament in May 2024.

News from the All-Party Parliamentary Group

Faith Covenant Forum Meeting, 5 July 2022

On 5th July 2022, the APPG hosted its fifth Faith Covenant Forum, a virtual roundtable discussion providing an opportunity for Covenant holders to share learning and best practice, and for prospective Covenant areas to hear and ask questions about how and why they should establish one.

This forum meeting was chaired by Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction, who are the secretariat to the APPG for Faith and Society. We were pleased to be joined by Baroness Uddin, Officer of the APPG for Faith and Society, looking at the important issue of faith hate and discussed whether faith hate was become a more significant issue within Covenant areas, and what Covenant areas had done to combat it. We also heard from some of our Covenant areas that had seen changes in council leadership after the recent local elections, about whether changes in party control had seen any difference in the way that the council wishes to engage with faith groups.

For minutes of the meeting, see here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Faith Covenant or how you might set one up in your Local Authority Area, please contact [email protected]