The work of the APPG is currently on hold following the dissolution of Parliament in May 2024.

News from the All-Party Parliamentary Group

Faith Covenant Forum Meeting, 4 July 2023

On 4th July 2023, the APPG on Faith and Society hosted its eighth Faith Covenant Forum, a virtual roundtable discussion providing an opportunity for faith and local authority representative from Covenant areas to hear about interesting topics relevant to them and share learning and best practice.

This forum meeting was chaired by Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction, the secretariat to the APPG. We heard from Matthew Allen and Jeremy Simmons from FaithAction about the new Bloom Report, an independent review on how government engages with faith, offering reflections from the FaithAction team on the report and it’s findings. We also heard reflections from both members of faith communities and local authority representatives from across the Faith Covenant areas. Matthew also launched FaithinPartnership Week 2023, announcing FaithAction’s intentions to hold a Faith Covenant Forum Live event during the week of 11th-15th September 2023.

For minutes of the meeting, see here.


If you are interested in learning more about the Faith Covenant or how you might set one up in your Local Authority Area, please contact [email protected]